Wednesday, February 24, 2010

L Is For Lycanthropy. Some Bandnames Also Start With It.

I have a mentality in life that while bigger is better, I tend to choose smaller because it’s easier to carry around, and eventually bigger just gets annoyingly so. Par example, upon winning big at the Kiddies Kasino in Las Vegas a fair few years back, I was offered a choice of any of the numerous farmyard animal teddies they had to offer. Naturally, I chose the obnoxiously large cow. I was delighted with myself, right up until the time came to boarding our flight back home. The cow obviously wouldn’t fit in our bags, so I had to attempt to carry it aboard, but some similarly bovine air hostess forbid me to, and so we had to leave it behind. I was heartbroken, and to this day I still wish I chose the appropriately sized pig instead. My manhood’s also a tad on the humongous side, but I’ve learned to live with that.
For this reason, I opt for the sexy-slim iPod Nano as opposed to it’s chunkier, more musically capable cousin. The stomach churning trade off for this is, obviously, that I’m always having to delete music to make room for new stuff, a thoroughly painful chore. And it was just recently, whilst excitedly uploading Two Door Cinema Club’s new album, that I realized that I’ve three albums sitting cosily between the two European electro acts, Le Corps Mince De Francoise and Make The Girl Dance, that I had completely forgotten about, but that’s probably because that anytime I went to listen them, I had to pass either one of the two named above, and so got awesomely distracted… But now, since I’ve given up chocolate, fizzy drinks, and kick-ass electro music for Lent, there’s nothing standing between me and the most recent releases from Liars, Lostprophets, and Los Campesinos!. So first up, the fibbing American three-piece.

As you can hear for yourself, Sisterworld’s opening track, Scissor, is seriously good. I’m still undecided as to whether or not it’s the best on there, Scarecrows On A Killer Slant and The Overachievers are certainly in contention for that particular accolade. As for the worst track, that’s a much less closely competed contest, as Drip is possibly the worst track they have ever written. The album as a whole, is mediocre at best. It has a couple of uplifting peaks, apart from the three previously credited, Here Comes All The People is worth a listen or two, as would be Goodnight Everything, but it also has a fair few far from stimulating tracks, and the odd aurally hazardous one too. It’s not terrible, just sort of close to it. However, I’ve read that with the official release of the album will come a bonus-disc featuring remixes from the likes of TV On The Radio and Thom Yorke, so I don’t know, if Thom’s digging it, then maybe I’m just missing something. But whatever it is, it’d want to be something fairly substantial, and reveal itself awful soon, as until it does, Sisterworld is always going to be considered as a worthy sacrifice for Does It Offend You, Yeah?'s upcoming album...

Moving onto a much louder note, next on the list is Lostprophets and their fourth album, which, as you might know, I was weirdly excited about. Weirdly so because I wasn’t all that into them until the few months leading up to the release of The Betrayed, in fact, Rooftops was the only song I had, and loved ever since I saw that incredible Jeff Hardy tribute video in was played in… But then, following watching videos of the masses they attracted to their headline set at Leeds, I felt I’d be a terrible person not to give them a chance. I mean, packing out a tent against Deadmaufive, La Roux, and, um, oh yeah, Radiohead is no easy task…
So I slowly began to become more and more likened to their other stuff, Burn Burn, A Town Called Hypocrisy, et cetera, when I heard the news, along with a pretty decent single, of a new album. Hence began my usual getting excited routine, and things were going fab. Everything I heard I loved. There’s a ridiculous live video from Reading 2004 of Last Train Home which gives multiple reasons as to why their renowned as such a good live band. Also, for some reason, I never knew until a few months back that they were from Wales, which is obviously a plus. And then, just when they have me drooling over my keyboard as I’m searching desperately for a leak on the internet in the days coming up to its release, they whip this shit out.

After hearing this, I didn’t really want to hear the album anymore. Cause I’d be perfectly happy listening to it on repeat for quite some time. But, in thinking of my family who were getting sick and sick fast of hearing Where We Belong blaring from my room, I downloaded the album, and it’s alright I guess. Well, more than alright, it’s good, but it’s just like their three previous releases; three or four cool sounding tracks and some instrumentals with Ian Watkins singing over them in between. Also the bastards scared the sugar out of me my following the pleasant opening song with the unrelenting scremo-anthem DSTRYR/DSTRYR. Things continued to go downhill when that faggot who presents the Rock Chart on MTVTWO went and killed me joy by pointing out that Where We Belong is ripped off from She Will be Loved… Like, he’s right, but there was no need to go and do that? It’s like people who post “You Just lost the Game lol” on the internet, it’s just like cheers douche? God, some people…
So basically, if you didn’t have a Lostprophets album before this, you’re not going to have one after this, and if you liked only a few songs by them, then , surprise surprise, you’ll like a few of these ones too, and if you’re weird and loved them to bits before this, well, then, you’re weird. But, as I unfortunately only found out just a few weeks ago, which of those categories you fall into doesn’t matter in the slightest. Because all of you, even the weird, are all human and therefore have the two things needed to love this final lovely band who’s name starts with an L; at least one working ear, and higher brain function. Los Campesinos!, selflessly, have made the rest beautifully easy.

The best part about falling hopelessly in love with the Welsh :) only not really :( indie seven-piece’s third album, was that I’d completely forgotten about them. Hold On Now, Youngster… had laid dormant in the deepest darkest metaphorical attics of my hard drive for over a year, but don‘t worry, I went and rooted it out straight after picking my jaw up off the floor after listening to Romance Is Boring. It’s just so frickin good. These Are Listed Buildings makes me smile every time I hear it, This Is A Flag. There Is No Wind makes me smile every time I hear it, and I Warned You Do Not Make An Enemy Of Me just makes me smile every time I hear it. Plan A, on the other hand, did not make me smile, as it it’s quite difficult to smile when you’re practically drooling at the sheer awesomeness. But if almost everything else doesn’t draw a smile from your face and make your tummy feel yummy, then you probably have something that isn’t yummy up the hole you don’t smile with. And it’s worth noting that A Heat Rash In The Shape Of The Show Me State Or, Letters From Me To Charlotte sounds infinitely better than anything off the Panic At The Disco album its title suggests it should be on.
Los Campesinos! really have nailed it with Romance Is Boring, there’s literally not a song on it that I dislike. Like I’m having serious trouble deciding on which song to provide below, because seeing as many among you, the doubters, won’t follow up on what I have already listened to more than Hidden, it could very well be the only song off it that will grace your malnourished ears. I contemplated about my current favourite, title track Romance Is Boring, but eventually realized it would be criminal to leave out the emotional and powerful track which beautifully contrasts with the general happy and chirpy feel of the record.

Honestly, if that song doesn’t do it for you, than there’s little chance that you won’t spend your 30th birthday with just yourself, your hand, mediocre softcore porn, and a Fionn Regan album on which he gives up on gibberish lyrics about badgers and aerosol cans and just makes random gurgling noises and the occasional high pitched yelp.
I always ponder over which letter is my favourite on my iPod, but unfortunately Metronomy, Mystery Jets, MSTRKRFT, Marina, Metric, and the best rock band in the world all begin with an M, so it’s all too easy. But there’s nothing shameful about silver, and thanks to Los Campesinos!, the odd Lostprophets song, and the soon-to-be-non-presence of Liars, L is now a hell of a lot more than some kick-ass electro and a permanently tripping Sam Eastgate and friends.

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