Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Everything Everything - Man Alive

_____After recently spending almost four weeks away from home, I was quite excited to be coming home. One always is after prolonged periods away from family and friends. Much as I missed my mum however, the promise of her hug wasn’t quite what had me unable to sleep on the plane home. Well, actually that was the annoying as fuck twenty-something girls beside us, but the point is that it was in fact the possibility that a certain album might finally have leaked onto the web while I was away. That album was not Man Alive, but Arcade Fire’s latest release which you’ll be hearing more about later, as it didn’t even cross my mind that Everything Everything’s debut might finally have been released. I mean, I’ve only been waiting, what, almost a year? But then, figuring that it must be my day considering The Suburbs was now currently downloading, I gave it a shot. And I haven’t stopped smiling since.

_____If you haven’t heard of Everything Everything, firstly, poor you, and secondly, now you have so there’s no need to worry. What they are is anything but your average indie four piece, who pride themselves on their chirpy upbeat riffs and uber-witty lyrics, as tremendously sung by a nice fellow called Jonathan.
___My first exposure to the wonderful music of these British boys came, as aforementioned, around a year ago, when this baby was made available as a free download. Obviously, all songs are in theory free downloads, but this one was not only monetarily free, but moral-corruption-free too! Talk about win! It's so good in fact, they made two videos for it.

_____MY KZ UR BF, pronounced My Keys Your Boyfriend for the old and un-trendy among you, is one of the best on the album, which is probably the reason they’ve recently re-released it. But to be one of the best on the album, even though it’s not THE best, is still an admirable feat, considering the quality of this album. For, apart from Weights and maybe Two For Nero, every song on this records a keeper. Better still, they’re quite varied too, it’s not just one fluky formula regurgitated over and over. Far from it in fact. There’s the smart and snappy Schoolin’, the fun and funky Photoshop Handsome, and the slow and soothing Nasa Is On Your Side.
___It’s extremely difficult to pick a favourite from this album, which is a good thing in this case. I find myself often clicking repeat as Final Form draws to a close, QWERTY Finger repeatedly impresses me every time it comes on, and the opening line in Come Alive Diana is almost aurally pleasuring enough to take the prize all on its own. However, I think when it comes to deciding on the ultimate Everything Everything anthem, there’s only really one choice. This song has everything Everything Everything, a nifty title, plenty of falsetto, grin-enducingly good lyrics, and is practically redefines the modern concept of “catchy”. So tell me, Who is going to sit on your face when I’m gone?

The band are playing in Leeds this coming weekend, and before this album came out, when we only had four tracks to soundtrack our self-pleasuring, I reckoned with only 10 minutes between the end of their set and the start of that of Mystery Jets, and with their respective stages being at opposite ends of the arena, it probably wouldn’t work out. But after hearing the full record now, I’ll drunkenly sprint-stagger the 250 metres through the crowds if I have to, because these guys are totally LorĂ©al.

Law and French in Trinity

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