Wednesday, January 27, 2010

March 1st Marks Much More Than Mocks

_____I’m the kind of person that gets excited a bit too easily. Ya know, like someone could mention they’re merely considering going to the forthcoming 30 Seconds To Mars concert, and I’d lose quite a bit of sleep that night thinking about where we’d go beforehand, what time we’d be at the concert, what songs they’d play, which ones I’d enjoy most etc, right down to the drunken conversations we’d have on the way home. This unfortunately results in me being bitterly disappointed when my dream plans never actually take any shape whatsoever, and even sometimes results in me being down the price of a Kissy Sell Out ticket. Lesson #1: Never be the first to buy your ticket. Life Mentality #1: Never, ever, listen to Gareth O’ Conner.
___So, in order to try and delay my inevitable slip into a disappointed depression, I do my best to be a pessimist. When I heard The Drums' EP, and quite liked it, I convinced myself that there was no point in getting excited, because they’d probably turn into an American version of Foals, and while the music would be awesome, I’d have no choice but to start hating their guts for no reason other than their provocative hairstyles. When I hear Avril Lavigne has broken up with that midget Sum 41 gimp, my ears don’t perk up because, realistically, I was never going to and never will tap that. When I hear Calvin Harris’ new song, I don’t jump for joy because it’s a terrible terrible song. I’ve learned not to line myself up for numerous falls by being a negative sceptic. However, despite what will be my greatest efforts, I’ve a sneaky suspicion I won’t be getting much sleep on the eve of March’s arrival. And what little I do will most likely be haunted by dreams of this little lady.

_____The reason I physically can’t wait for the 1st of March to roll around is that it will see the release of three of my most eagerly awaited albums of the year so far, including the above featured Ellie Goulding. Despite having had to associate with some of the worst musical talents in the world today, most notably Fwankmusik, this sort-of-attractive-from-some-angles-but-really-not-from-most lass has miraculously managed to protect her music from his vile influences. In fact, out of the songs that have been released to date, I Wish I Stayed, the song produced by your annoying cunt of a man, is probably the furthest from that god-awful poppy-synthy-auto-tuned music that he shows no guilt in sharing with us. And it’s really good too. Her best though, was the first song of hers that I ever heard on some rainy-ass October evening. I remember it vividly; my playroom with a cup of tea, a bowl of Koka noodles, and two slices of banana bread feeling like Frankmusik’s debut album after a heavy night previous, watching mediocre midday music television, when, all of a sudden, I heard the voice of a girl who’s threat to my obsession with Marina Diamandis continues to grow larger everyday. Her first single, and undoubtedly her best, Under The Sheets sounds prettier every time I hear it. Which is quite often at this stage.
___While obviously I am terribly looking forward to hearing her debut LP Lights, I don’t expect it will blast her to any heights higher than those which her previously released singles already have done. In my opinion, she just has too much to compete with in what is already an overcrowded scene. She joins the musical sprint to release two decent-selling singles and a mediocre cover and become this years Florence & The Machine, and while she does already have the mediocre cover sorted with a pleasant take on Sleepyhead, but not only does her main rival have the correct band name format, but Marina just has the long, seductive legs on her. But what this record will do for her will be a strong, really catchy base to stand on, and who knows, if Starsmith and the other joker can get this sorta quality out of her, then maybe future half-decent collaborators can skyrocket her to stardom.

_____The second band who are to headline the March 1st new music marathon in my room are an Irish band who already seem to be well on their way to said sought-after stardom. Well, sort of; they're Northern Irish. I know, I know, strike one, but Two Door Cinema Club are a dead-set to be whacking homers all season long by the sounds of what I’ve heard so far. Which has been quite a lot, but then again not really considering they’ve been teasing us for approaching three years at this stage, with this last year seeing them almost completely undress their beautiful sound, to the effect that everyone can see they are so goddamn hot right now, and are eagerly waiting for them to reveal the positively whopper boobage that will inevitably be Tourist History.
___I mentioned before my love-hate dilemma with Foals, well these guys make a vaguely similar awesome noise, but the difference is I don’t want to punch their lead singer in the face, and that’s generally a good thing. There’s also a hint of a Vampire Weekend quirkiness in some of their tracks, but they’re songs differ in that they don’t all sound the same. I can loosely tie their music to loads of other bands too, but only for good reasons. I usually, as a pessimist, make an effort to point out even the most minute of flaws in a particular record, but I’m seriously struggling here. Four Words To Stand On has rendered the Girls debut mediocre by comparison, dancing to Something Good Can Work has replaced jerking off when my morning shower comes around, and I Can Talk now ranks two places higher than my youngest sister in my list of life-priorities. These are bold statements, but they’re harsher realities, deal with it sis. I can’t talk these guys up enough, so I won’t. Instead I’ll leave you with a clever pun of an awesome song that can.

_____The way I see it, and what I hope you’re beginning to see too, is that every cloud has a silver lining, even that big black Mock-shaped one. But, not only does the 1st of March have a silver lining, it has a great beam of Blood Red light piercing right through it. What this heavenly symbol represents is the second coming of what I view to be the best boy-girl rock duo around today. And here’s the kicker: Jack White isn’t the boy. How this punk-rock duo’s first album, Box of Secrets, didn’t get half the recognition it deserved is right up there with how more than fourteen people actually went to see that “Sculpture of an Album” bullshit that The xx are pulling as the great mysteries of the musical universe, as it would have been looking at a podium finish in my Albums of 2009, only it wasn’t an Album of 2009. What it was, was the absolutely stunning opening debut of Blood Red Shoes.

_____It was practically flawless. Sorry, is practically flawless, as even now it stands proud amongst the few albums I can listen to all the way through without the slightest temptation to skip past that one relatively poor track, or just to get to your favourite before your date gets there and you have to be “polite” and switch the iPod off. And that’s partly down to the peculiar fact that not only are there no weak points in this album, but I don’t really have a favourite either. If you held a gun to my head and asked me to choose, then you’d have to shoot, cause the best I could give ya a toss up between is an adrenaline-inducing You Bring Me Down, a hardcore hypnotising This Is Not For You, and a psychotically majestic I Wish I Was Someone Else. And I have equally flattering adjectives to describe all their other tracks too.
___As is vital for any musical duo, the chemistry between Steven Ansell on drums and Laura-Mary Carter on guitar is a beauty to listen to, and it’s something that really comes through in their music. It does appear, however, from videos of live performances that the pair do struggle to maintain the non-stop heart-racing attitude that we hear on the album, but we’ll forgive them that, as I’ve yet to see a video where Ansell isn’t dripping with sweat trying to balance drums and lead vocals while giving absolutely everything he can to bring the energy into the live performance, which I can imagine are still far from lacklustre.

_____Oh yeah, that video reminds me, I’d totally do Laura-Mary Carter too, another plus. That video is a preview of the album to come, and I was delighted when I first heard it, as it reassured me that nothing is going to change with Fire Like This. They’re not going to try anything funny, they’re not going to try perfect the formula. Because if it ain’t broke, why fix it?

_____So there you have it, three kick-ass reasons not to dread the 1st of March, but l‘attendre avec the utmost impatience. Now, I’m off to study, Mocks are in fucking four weeks…

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