Saturday, January 9, 2010

Delphic - Acolyte

_____Probably the most annoying thing about new bands is, when you find their first smashing single, you’re like “Yeah, awesome, I love these guys, I can’t wait to hear some more of their stuff”, but when you head onto their MySpace, all you find is the smashing single that’s it. No mention of an album, not even an EP, nothing. Wikipedia is the next port of call, if they even show up there, but that rarely provides anything more than a brief paragraph about where they’re from and more useless information about their one, solitary, lonely, stand-alone single. Then, finally, you Google them, and find about halfway down the page a link to an interview where they mention that they’re writing an album! Success! Except not really, cause it’s not out ‘till March 22nd 2047.
___Like seriously, Ou Est Le Swimming Pool, that song is really cool and all, but, with no album whatsoever on the horizon, there’s a fair chance I’ll be obsessed with Marina & The Diamonds’ album by then, and even more hopelessly in love with her, and won’t have time for what I’m sure will be a fantastic album.
___Anyways, Delphic were one of those annoying new bands. But they’re not anymore, because the long-awaited album, Acolyte, is here now. And it was worth waiting for. Well, parts of it were. Mostly this part.

_____See, when I was starting to give up on Delphic, what with no new material throughout the whole of winter, and Counterpoint getting quite old quite faster, Doubt, their latest release, came along and rocked my Delphicworld all over again.
___This Momentary rocked said Delphicworld in a similar fashion when I first heard it back in August, but that was more like a gentle, caressing rocking, while with Doubt it’s more like eyes-roll-back-and-your-head-blows-off-type rocking.
___The third, and unfortunately final, rocking comes in the form of Clarion Call. This actually is a better all-round rocking, kinda like a mix of the two aforementioned tracks, except, like most good rockings, it’s over all too soon. Still though, two minutes fifty-six seconds of heaven.

____Like I said, after those three tracks, there isn’t much else too striking on the record. Title track Acolyte did impress me on first listen, but at almost nine minutes long, it doesn’t really evolve much, or at all, and so the first listen ends up being the last, as life’s just too short. Red Lights and Remain are similar in the that they're quite long-winded, but quite dissimilar in that they’re painfully dull.

_____So, if I were to put an amusing, yet probably too detailed metaphor on the album as a whole, I guess it would be like a love affair between a girl and a far less attractive boy, where she’s drawn in by his weird, nervous, Counterpoint charm, when she eventually beds him finds out he has a HUGE tool, in Doubt, but is then ultimately disappointed when the sex, although granted quite romantic, is either amazing but over too soon, or epically long and seems like it’ll never get to any finish. However I’m definitely gonna keep Delphic around, as I actually do think the word romantic brilliantly describes a lot of what Acolyte brings to the table. It’s the common case of whether stick with the romantic, sweet, yet unable to completely satisfy, or go out and listen to Fantasy Black Channel for the best meaningless love-experience of your life. Yeah, I’d always pick the latter too, but the huge tool is reason enough to keep the other guy around. Ya never know, they might learn to use it in their next record.


PS I would give an illegal downloadable link, but I got an awfully formal email from the internet police saying not to… What I will give you though, is a link to Filestube, a wonderful website that I’ve grown quite fond of.

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