Saturday, April 3, 2010

Because There's A High Probability You're Bored.

_____We all know full well that studying is for losers. So I figured you’d all have nothing better to do than listen to some pleasant music that I’ve become quite attached to in the previous year or so. And hey, even the losers amongst you can listen to it while studying, so everyone wins!

_____Let’s get started so, cause I know you all have loads of alcohol and soft drugs to be ingesting and time is of the essence, and I’m going to screw that save the best for last malarkey, and introduce to you firstly a band who is second only to an Australian hard-electronica duo, whom you’ll be hearing more about before the holidays are out, in terms of bands I regularly rack my brains as to how I am going to see them perform their truly unique sound live, loud, and soon.
___Three Trapped Tigers are like nothing you have ever heard before. They are harsh, brash, kick-assh trio from somewhere in the UK that I have repeatedly half-heartedly recommended to a few friends. This track is sort of sublime, that EP is about as good as group sex, and whatever video is practically what one experiences after consuming copious amounts of horse tranquillisers. But now, following the third mind blowing of mine in as many EPs of theirs, I’ve decided that this can’t go on any longer, as I simply won’t be able to sleep at night knowing that some of you haven’t heard what I have heard.
___They’ve been racking up the critical acclaim from all over; just there I was linked to a site called Drowned in Sound, being told it was the top dog for new music, and who would have known, second link on the page is one to a video of a full live Three Trapped Tigers performance which I am currently drooling over. While I do that however, I suppose I best clue you into what exactly we’re talking about here. The problem is I don’t know which song to go for… I can’t seem to find a thirteen-sided coin about my person, so I guess I’ll just have to let the Law of YouTube decide and pick the most popular. Yes, I quite like how that approach turns out.

_____As you can see, these guys don’t really have song titles. Or lyrics. Or, it would seem, any shred of sanity whatsoever. But by golly does it work. In all of their songs, you can just hear the passion and the energy, and most importantly, the freedom. These lads aren’t driven by money or big record deals (they’re signed to some shoddy label called bloodandbiscuits, and no, I have never heard of them either), hell I doubt these guys even realize that 87% of pretty women will sleep with them if they simply murmur anything about them being in a band.
___And that is the real beauty of Three Trapped Tigers; they’re a no holds barred, unrestricted, unrelenting machine pumping out jaw-droopingly awesome track after jaw-droopingly awesome track. And 1 right through to 13 are more than perfect examples of just how smoothly this particular machine is operating, and hopefully not shutting down anytime soon.

_____Well these next bands unfortunately look nothing more than mediocre in comparison to TTT, most bands do, but trust me, simply allow for a five minute breather after each listening of 1, and you’ll find the music you love stops sounding so insufficient quickly enough.
___So up next is New York’s answer to Empire of the Sun; an almost-cringey electro-pop band that dress sort of funny. Sorry, dress really funny, and their lyrics are kinda peculiar too. As a result, Boy Crisis didn’t exactly get on great with the critics. Bit of a critic crisis you might say…? Their Wikipedia page even refers to one such eating by Pitchfork, and to be honest, I think they were hard done by. Because sure, they’re are the height of non-grooviness, and yeh, they’re about as far from original as sliced bread is close to it, but come on, can you honestly listen to this and tell me you didn’t enjoy it even a tiny little bit?

_____No you can’t, because that would mean you were some sort of cold-blooded reptile, and they don’t use the internet. Ok granted their debut album, Tulipomania, or so it was supposed to be called; think they might have had to change it for legal douche reasons or something, didn’t blow me away, or anyone for that matter, cause it’s quite average, but some of the tracks are absolute gems. Others are more like the plastic ones you get in Kinder Surprises, but hey it’s diamonds rarity that makes them so special eh?
___And believe me, L’Homme is something very special indeed. Fountain of Youth to a lesser extent also, but still well worth checking out. After that, yeh things start becoming a lot less shiny. There is one or two others that certainly aren’t bad, but none that quite provokes the almost disturbingly pleasurable experience quite like Dressed To Digress.

_____And last, and probably least in this case, is weird French music courtesy of Naive New Beaters. I’m not going to go on for long about this crowd, cause while I do love them, they’re sort of hard to explain and even harder to sell. It really shouldn’t sound as good as it does, but honestly, listen to it twice through on a boring bus journey through Austria’s mountains because your iPod’s so low on battery it will die if you turn the screen on and you’ll never look back.
___I know where I discovered this band, they were the second band on the bill at Festival Pantiero last summer, but to be honest I’m not sure if I actually saw them… See while Live Good is awfully appeasing, so is drinking Desperados on the beach… Regardless though, these guys may very well be for you. Chances are they won’t be, they would be far bigger than they are if they appealed to everyone like they do to me, but give them a go next time your bored on high altitude public transport in Austria, and you never know…

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