Monday, December 21, 2009

The 10 Albums Of 2009 You Simply Must Download Illegally:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: No. 1 = The Prodigy - Invaders Must Die

_____When I first drafted this list, Invaders Must Die sat precariously at No. 10. The reason for this was the album only barely exceeded my expectations of it, and it didn’t blow my brains out when I first listened to it. Then, as I listened to it before writing what I expected to be a brief mediocre review of the English electronic trio’s fifth studio album, my brains hit the wall. Splatttttttt.

_____So as the last track, admittedly a relatively weak Stand Up drew to a close, and as I began to scrape my thoughts off the wall of the surrounding area, I asked myself what the fuck had just happened. I was stumped for a while, and too afraid to queue the album for a second time. Then I remembered. How could I have been so silly, so careless… I guess it had been a while since I listened to anything by The Prodigy, let alone this particular record… But regardless of the cause, the reason for this short-circuiting of my awesome receptors was, of course, the fact that I had forgotten to put on my mental safety helmet before clicking play on that insane opening and title track. Duhhhh.

_____ For, while not everyone may realize it, anyone who has any experience of The Prodigy has actually developed an automatic reflex of mentally preparing themselves before listening to these epic sounds. I prefer not to call it music, by the way, it’s shameful that anybody could term what these guys are making in the same fashion that one does the repetitive drivel of the In For The Self-Kill. That was why The Prodigy did not initially come to mind as the greatest album of 2009, because I had only ever listened to them with my automatic kickass-limiter in place ever since that unforgettable day years ago when the most insane, the most electric, the most drug-simulating sound first invaded my brain before self-destructing in the most explosive of fashions.

_____However, after a sinfully long absence from indulging in the produce of Liam Howlett’s Christ-like Trinity, inferior electronic drum ’n bass music had clogged up my system, causing the automatic limiter to jam. As the pressure continued to build on my awesome receptors as Omen kicked into gear, my receptors became increasingly strained, until, eventually, at some point during the grossly underrated Thunder, they gave way, releasing the energy in the form of a seismic sensation rating a disgusting 14 trillion on the Richter scale. This is ultimately why there are so many casualties at their live performance, as the consumption of hard drugs and copious amounts of alcohol loosed the natural limiter, which, if it were to snap during this, in my opinion, the best track on this record, could result in instant death, COD awesome overdose.

_____Much like my first mind-blowing, this incident had a pretty deep effect on me as a music-enthusiast and as a human being, and so I immediately bumped this record up to its rightful place above them all. Geography puns and medical metaphors aside though, this album really is deserving of the credit I’m giving it. Most of you will have the singles already, I pity those of you that don’t even have that much, but you simply can’t afford to miss this album. Missing the majority of their set for the relatively energetically nonsensical White Lies is the sole greatest regret of my life, and mark my words the only way you will see me anywhere near Oxegen next summer, is if Maxim sees us fitting for their awesome presence. I’d give my left, right, and hypothetical third nut to be front row for such divine noise.

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