Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The 10 Albums Of 2009 You Simply Must Download Illegally:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: No. 10 = The Joy Formidable - A Balloon Called Moaning

_____Ok so let’s get the esoteric one out of the way first, shall we? Stumbled upon this gang whilst YouTubing bands from the Leeds poster, and I eventually found them hidden amongst the numerous bands that NME had been sucking off for the past year in the hopes that one of ‘em made it on the Festival Republic Stage. As a hetrosexual male, their clever set-up of a lead semi-attractive, but not too attractive as to draw attention away from the music, girl with two dudes providing the testosterone and musical ability immediately appealed to me. La musique, as it happened, was also quite to my liking.

_____I didn’t actually end up seeing them at Leeds, despite having loved their album and having jerked off on two occasions to the lead singer, the beautiful Ritzy Bryan.. Ok she’s not THAT beautiful, but the latest edition of Photoshop is just one of the many amazing abilities of the human mind. See they were following The xx, and they had the oddest effect on me of making me just want to go back to my tent, have a drink, and light myself on fire.

_____The album contains a fair few top notch tunes, most notably singles Cradle, and Austere, the latter of which you simply must check out the accompanying video, banned form YouTube, on their website, but their strongest performances come in the forms of The Greatest Light Is The Greatest Shade, and Greyhound In The Slips, the latter not technically on the original album release, but I lashed it on there on my iTunes cause it simply adds trucks to the thoroughly enjoyable listening experience that is The Joy Formidable’s debut album, A Balloon Called Moaning.

I’ll leave you with their latest free festive download release. See, this band ticks all the boxes; girls; rock music; Christmas.


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